Whistleblower System

The Whistleblower System has been set up to deal with reports of potential Serious Regulatory Violations of Volkswagen employees. Serious Regulatory Violations significantly harm the reputation or the financial interests of the Volkswagen Group or one of its Group companies. They can also severely violate the fundamental ethical values of the Volkswagen Group.
Reports on potential regulatory violations via the different reporting channels cannot only be made by employees of the Group, but also by business partners, customers and other third parties. Reports to the Investigation Office can be made at any time and in any language.
Misconduct must be recognized swiftly, processed and immediately remedied. That calls for vigilance on the part of everyone along with a willingness to draw attention to possible Serious Regulatory Violations on the basis of reasonable suspicion.
A fair whistleblower system is an important element of good corporate governance. In the course of a fair and transparent procedure, the whistleblower system guarantees the highest possible protection for whistleblowers and affected persons. The system handles submitted reports confidentially and professionally on the basis of a uniform and swift process.
How can you make a report?
Please use the communication channels on the following webpage in order to provide hints and to get in touch with the central investigation office.